

The languages you speak will be shown here.     You can always add new languages by clicking on “Add New”.  
Personal Information

Personal Information

The volunteer’s personal information will be shown here.     It can be modified anytime by clicking on the “Update” button.  
Personal Picture and Cover Picture

Personal Picture and Cover Picture

The Personal Picture can be modified by clicking on “Upload Personal Picture”.     You can also add a Cover Picture by clicking on “Upload Cover Picture”.  
Job Information

Job Information

All your previous and current jobs will be shown here.     You can always add new job information by clicking on “Add new”.  
Previous Volunteering Contributions

Previous Volunteering Contributions

Your previous volunteering contributions that is done before registering on Bevol will be shown here.     You can always add new volunteering information by clicking on “Add new”.  
Contact Information

Contact Information

This section contains all the volunteer’s contact information and his accounts on the other social media platforms.     And it can be modified by clicking on “Edit” icon to show the following window  
International Card

International Card

This section shows the overall rating of the volunteer, his category, the number of points he has and his QR code.  
Fields Of Interest

Fields Of Interest

The fields of volunteering you are interested in will be shown here.     And it can be modified by clicking on the “Edit” button to show the following page.  
Education History

Education History

Your education level and degrees will be shown here beside those being studied currently.     You can always add new information about your education by clicking on “Add new”.